Gistvibez devotion of today-Christ Triumphant
Key Verse:“And I saw heaven opened, and behold
a white horse; and he that sat upon him was
called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he
doth judge and make war” (Revelation 19:11).
When Julius Caesar returned triumphantly from
his first campaign, he entered Rome riding in a
chariot pulled by white horses. From then on,
white horses became a standard symbol of
military victory when a general returned
triumphant from battle. Julius Caesar is credited
with turning the Roman Republic into the Roman
Empire. Here, rides One far greater than all the
Caesars combined. The passage starts with the
heavens opening to reveal a white horse with a
rider who is called Faithful and True. This rider
justly judges and makes war. All his battles are
fought in righteousness. This rider has eyes like
blazing fire and on his head are many crowns. He
is clothed with a garment dipped in blood and his
name is called, The Word of God. All the
descriptions point to Christ, the Conqueror
coming with the saints to defeat the Antichrist
and take over the kingdom of the earth for a
thousand years. In a final attempt to prevent
Christ from taking the reins of His government,
the beast allies with the armies of the world to
make war against the Lord and His army; but the
beast and false prophet are captured and thrown
alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.
The rest of their followers will be killed with the
sword and their bodies consumed by vultures.
When Jesus comes, He will be accompanied by
the armies of heaven clothed in white linen and
on white horses. This is no doubt an army made
up of the saints of God and holy angels. Those
who take sides with the Antichrist, either by
religion or practice should expect defeat at last.
The future belongs to Christ and His church. You
are either with Christ or with the devil. Your
choices now will determine your destiny in the
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: In Christ’s kingdom,
there are no victims, only victors.
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