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Gistvibez Devotion of Today-Demands Of Holy Living

Key Verse:“I will behave myself wisely in a perfect
way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk
within my house with a perfect heart” (Psalm
Sometimes, people wonder what constitute holy

living. “If I say I am holy, what does this mean?”
they ask. To some, holiness is a kind of abstract
experience which is kind of difficult to grasp or
explain. They think it only exists in the heart and
in dogma but cannot be translated into everyday
living. There are those who completely rule out
the possibility of holy living in this present world.
Our passage, however, gives us a practical
definition and demonstration of holiness. It shows
that it is a possibility in the life of every Christian.
King David, in our text, made a clear decision
backed up by a strong determination to be holy.
His holiness affected his associations and
relationships. He will have nothing to do in the
way of intimate relationship or close association
with the ungodly who is wicked, deceitful,
slanderous, proud and boastful. He will only keep
company and do business with the faithful who
walk in a perfect way. In this, he shows that
holiness is living right. We can never be holy
except we decide to be. Though the Lord has
graciously provided for us means by which we
can be holy, this cannot come to us unless we
are willing and decisive about it. Holy living is the
practical responsibility of every believer. We must
make a daily determination to be holy both in the
secret of our homes and in public glare. Like
David, we must be determined not to set any
unclean thing before our eyes. We cannot expect
to be holy in our minds and thoughts if we
continually gaze on unclean things on the TV,
Internet, handsets or literature. Holiness will not
only affect our attitude, character and conduct,
but will also touch our associations. We cannot
successfully maintain holy life on a daily basis if
all our very close and intimate associates are
ungodly. When we seek close friendship only with
the Christ-like, it helps us safeguard our

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Practical holiness of life
is a must for every child of God.

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